Is Peer-to-Peer Texting Legal?

Here’s What You Need to Know About It
People have communicated with each other since the beginning of time by writing letters, talking and calling one another. Text messaging is a very popular method of communication, for both young and old.
Peer-to peer texting can also be called messaging, texting over wi fi or Bluetooth connectivity.
This is when you send a message to someone that isn’t on your contact list, but still has their number. You can do this through messenger apps like Viber or WhatsApp, WeChat or Facebook Messenger.
Kaplan strategies use peer-to-peer messaging legality to raise funds and convince voters.
Here are some facts about Kaplan Peer to peer texting for fundraising and political parties.
Is this service available to anyone?
Yes! Peer-to-peer messaging is legal. If the person you are messaging consents, it is legal. This service is available to all ages without any restrictions or rules.
Kaplan strategies has helped political parties and non-profit organisations to persuade voters through our peer-to-peer messaging service.
How do I use peer-to-peer texting?
Kaplan strategies allows you to immediately start contacting people. They don’t need to be in the phone book. You can add them to your contact book and be ready to go. It’s as easy as that!
It’s great if your friend uses the same messaging app!
Can I get in touch with someone else?
It all depends on which messenger app you use. There are a number of options available to you when it comes finding peer-to-peer contacts for peer-to–peer texting.
It is important to get their consent. Then, you can start to send them messages that will direct them to a cause, a business, or a political party.
Once you have their phone number, you can message them and ask them to sign up for your mailing list. You could also ask them to give you money or support you in any other way. It’s that simple!
If you don’t wish to, you don’t have to mention names. You could send a message such as “Hey Bill R. from Kaplans, I’m looking to volunteer for the climate march you’re organizing.” This message can be left open-ended and will encourage people to consider contributing to your cause.
Perhaps a friend texts asking them if they would like to donate money or share their opinions. You could ask your friend to send your message to their friend.
You don’t even need to name anyone. You can reach more people to get money or volunteer for your cause. It’s all about increasing awareness and support for your organization. If you don’t want to be associated with any particular political party or cause, it doesn’t matter if your preference is to remain neutral and not target specific candidates during the election.
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When you have the permission of the person you wish to contact, peer-to-peer messaging legality is no problem. It’s easy. The laws are clear and everyone has permission to contact anyone they wish via messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Viber. It’s legal if it isn’t done by harassing or spamming others. What are you waiting to do? Start p2p messaging for fundraising right away.